

BioCurious, once known as USBiodiversity consists of a group of students who have either taken Dr Ang’s ULS2208 Biodiversity and Natural History of Singapore, or are interested in learning more about our natural biodiversity. We hold hikes, intertidal walks, and workshops that bring students closer to nature and give them a better understanding/appreciation for Singapore’s wildlife and plants.


Cinnamon Caffeinated

Cinnamon Caffeinated (CinnaCaff) is a coffee and tea interest group, a continuation of USCaffeinated under USP. The group will bring together people interested in learning more about different types of coffee and tea, and to use the skills picked up in service of the community through service sessions twice a week.


Documentary & Storytelling

Visual and written documentaries are an art form that is able to capture worldviews, perspectives, life lessons, and experiences in a bite-size manner that is not only easily digestible but also emotive and entertaining. Have you ever wanted to send a message to a wider audience through an enticing media format? Or always wanted to create a documentary but don't know how to? Join the Documentary Interest group where we provide the expertise, guidance, equipment, and energy to create the story that you always wanted to tell the world. I hope for members to contribute back by pitching documentaries of their own and make it a sustainable club where members are passionate about telling stories within our community.



EcoPlanet aims to bring together individuals passionate and interested in contributing to creating a just and environmentally sustainable planet for both current and future generations. EcoPlanet is a continuation and joint collaboration between the University Scholars Programme’s interest group USPlanet and Yale-NUS College’s interest group i’dECO


Gender Collective

Gender Collective is an inclusive social group where people of all gender and sexual identities can come together for discussion in a safe space. We address issues relating to privilege and marginalized groups, with a focus on gender and sexuality, and how these intersect with other modes of living



Livecore is a continuation of the USP IG of the same name, a group formed for people to come together and play music in the contemporary band format. We play all genres of music that can be created using the basic instruments of vocals, keyboard, guitar, bass and drums, and we are open to all skill levels of musicianship, even those seeking to learn an instrument from scratch. In Livecore, we believe that musicians grow best with a target in mind, so we encourage members to work towards the end goal of recording or performing their music, where the community provides any necessary technical guidance along the way.


Love, NUSC

This proposed interest group (IG) is a continuation of a previous USP IG, Love, USP. Love, NUSC is a mental health interest group that aims to carry out activities to promote the awareness of and practice of mental health activities. At Love, NUSC, we believe that good mental health is a key to general well-being, and to that end, we endeavour to promote mental wellness in the community.


NUSC Astronomical Society

An astronomy-based interest group that mainly conducts star-gazing activities at night. The interest group will also provide knowledge to members about the different constellations seen at night and share random facts about our night sky. On occasions where eclipses may be observed, members of the interest group would also gather round to observe and document the sight. This interest group is a continuation of a University Scholars Programme interest group called UStronomy.


NUSC Fellowship

As a continuation of USFellowship, the USP Christian Fellowship IG, NUSC Fellowship aims to be a community for Christians in NUSC to study the Bible and find support, and for those seeking to find out more about Christianity to explore the faith.


NUSC Invests

We are an IG for students to familiarize better with investing, build knowledge on financial literacy, and build skills for those who would like a career in the invest sector. NUSC Invests is an interest group for anyone/everyone who are interested in investing. It is a continuation of a USP interest group: US Invest. NUSC Invests does not provide financial advice, but rather creates a vibrant community that discusses the financial market (stocks, bonds, EFTs, and crypto).


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